Precision Shape Solutions

Eco-Friendly Waterjet Leading the Green Movement

The effort of “going green” is a growing priority in the manufacturing sector for the long-term benefit to our planet. Moreover, this pressure to develop new eco-friednly ways to create, cut, and manufacture is forcing companies to examine critical steps in their methods. Here are the top three reasons waterjet cutting is the most environmentally friendly cutting method available today.

Despite using so much water, waterjet cutting remains eco-friendly by recycling most of it's water.
Despite using so much water, waterjet cutting remains eco-friendly by recycling most of it’s water.

How can using so much water be Eco-Friendly?

1. Less Waste

Waste is an unavoidable product of manufacturing. Better known as kerf, fabrication unavoidably produces this frustrating excess. However, waterjet consistently yeilds the lowest levels of kerf in the industry. This precise cutting method leads to lowered lost resources and a higher economic design process.

2. No Hazardous Materials

Where more traditional cutting processes rely on chemicals and toxic materials, waterjet cutting simply uses liquid with an abrasive. Without the need for chemicals, disposal of any remaining materials is not harmful to the planet. Then, the water is perfectly safe to go into the sewer system or waste management facility.

3. Recycles Water         

Most water jet cutting machines have a closed loop system, which recycles the water between projects. First, it filters the water. Then, it cools the water. Finally, water returns for next task. In addition, the abrasive (garnet) is recycled as well. More than half of the stone is repurposed. Used garnet mixes with a new one to ensure cutting quality remains high.

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